Just got to the hotel in Santo Domingo. To say it was a busy day would be an understatement. We finally arrived in the DR at about 1:00pm after a night stuck in Miami,. We went to get our checked luggage (not really luggage - we were caring in 4 duffle bags full of diapers), and sure enough the luggage didn't make it. Why would I expect anything else.
We headed to Casa de Luz so Frank could meet with the employees there. Before the meeting I got a chance to meet with the Dominican Director of SCORE International and some of his team. They were there to lend their support and connect with us. It was a brief meeting but I hope a fruitful one as we discussed potential partnerships between them and Casa de Luz. They also brought along their construction guy who assessed the needs on the 2nd floor addition and he hopes to give an estimate to get it in the dry (roof) and/or completely finish it out soon. Looking forward to seeing those figures. We then went in to the meeting with Casa de Luz leadership and then all of the employees.
Now for those who know me well you know my Spanish is limited to counting to 20 or so and maybe a few countrified (not sure if that's a word but my TN & KY friends are right with me) words. Well, you guessed it, the entire meeting was in Spanish. At first I was uncomfortable. Then I realized my role today was not going to be played with words (and that's strange for me). My role today was to pray and lend silent support.
But, a funny thing happened during the meeting. I began to understand. Now I don't mean I suddenly became bilingual. I didn't understand a word that was being said. What I do mean is that I began to understand what was happening in the room. God was working. God was speaking. He was calming fears, healing hurts, repairing relationships, restoring confidence and setting things right. Yes, He was using Franks words (that I didn't understand), but it was more than that, it was His Spirit. God was making a way. He was clearing the junk and obstacles that a few hours earlier threatened to take down a vital piece of His kingdom and a tool to reach forgotten and abandoned children, innocent children, that don't care about funding, politics and employee meetings. They just want to be touched, held, cared for and loved.
Today I got to see what I think St Francis of Assisi meant when he said "Preach the gospel always, if necessary use words." I got to see my friend Frank be a living reflection of the love, courage and strength of Christ. I got see him be a man filled with grace & mercy. A man filled with God's Spirit.
I am grateful for what I saw today even though I couldn't understand a word. More on the DR later.
Whatever It Takes!
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