Tuesday, June 15, 2010


If you've watched the World Cup, you have no doubt been annoyed by the sound that drowns out even the TV announcers. The sound is from the vuvuzela, South Africa's answer to the Thunderstick. It's a small plastic trumpet that cost less than a dollar to make and creates no known musical notes. But when thousands of people blow them simultaneously, you get a loud, incessant hum that makes the entire stadium sound like it's being attacked by bees. It's normal to find them at any South African soccer match. Ask just about anyone though and they will tell you they hate them!

This past Sunday I preached a message from John 10 where Jesus describes himself as the "Good Shepherd." He tells us that we need to hear, listen and follow His voice. He then, in vs 5, warns us that there will be other voices and we need to learn to not listen to them. In fact, He tells us we should "run away" from those voices.

Jesus knows that just like the vuvuzela, Satan wants to distract you and create noise that drowns your ability to hear and listen to Him. If he can do that following Jesus becomes more difficult. Jesus gives us a simple and somewhat unexpected way to eliminate the distraction of the strangers voice. It's sacrificial love.

In vs 10 he tells us that Satan wants to "steal and kill and destroy." In other words distract us with the noise of this world and therefore kill our ability to hear Jesus. He wants us to have "life, and have it to the full" if we will only listen and follow His voice. In vs 11 He tells us how to hear that voice when he says the "shepherd lays down his life for the sheep."

The strategy for silencing the other voices and noise of the world is in first recognizing and accepting the sacrificial love that Jesus has for us and then practicing that same kind of love by sacrificially loving others. If I want to lead the rich and satisfying life that Jesus offers I must let everything I think, do and say be colored by His love. In order to do that I have to silence the incessant noise of the world that wants to steal my attention and joy.

As you watch the World Cup don't let the sound of the vuvuzela keep you from enjoying the matches and as you live your life don't let the noise of the strangers voice steal your love for Jesus and the world he wants to reach.

Whatever It Takes!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Couldn't Understand A Word (DR Update)

Just got to the hotel in Santo Domingo. To say it was a busy day would be an understatement. We finally arrived in the DR at about 1:00pm after a night stuck in Miami,. We went to get our checked luggage (not really luggage - we were caring in 4 duffle bags full of diapers), and sure enough the luggage didn't make it. Why would I expect anything else.

We headed to Casa de Luz so Frank could meet with the employees there. Before the meeting I got a chance to meet with the Dominican Director of SCORE International and some of his team. They were there to lend their support and connect with us. It was a brief meeting but I hope a fruitful one as we discussed potential partnerships between them and Casa de Luz. They also brought along their construction guy who assessed the needs on the 2nd floor addition and he hopes to give an estimate to get it in the dry (roof) and/or completely finish it out soon. Looking forward to seeing those figures. We then went in to the meeting with Casa de Luz leadership and then all of the employees.

Now for those who know me well you know my Spanish is limited to counting to 20 or so and maybe a few countrified (not sure if that's a word but my TN & KY friends are right with me) words. Well, you guessed it, the entire meeting was in Spanish. At first I was uncomfortable. Then I realized my role today was not going to be played with words (and that's strange for me). My role today was to pray and lend silent support.

But, a funny thing happened during the meeting. I began to understand. Now I don't mean I suddenly became bilingual. I didn't understand a word that was being said. What I do mean is that I began to understand what was happening in the room. God was working. God was speaking. He was calming fears, healing hurts, repairing relationships, restoring confidence and setting things right. Yes, He was using Franks words (that I didn't understand), but it was more than that, it was His Spirit. God was making a way. He was clearing the junk and obstacles that a few hours earlier threatened to take down a vital piece of His kingdom and a tool to reach forgotten and abandoned children, innocent children, that don't care about funding, politics and employee meetings. They just want to be touched, held, cared for and loved.

Today I got to see what I think St Francis of Assisi meant when he said "Preach the gospel always, if necessary use words." I got to see my friend Frank be a living reflection of the love, courage and strength of Christ. I got see him be a man filled with grace & mercy. A man filled with God's Spirit.

I am grateful for what I saw today even though I couldn't understand a word. More on the DR later.

Whatever It Takes!

Mercy & Forgiveness

As I write this I am sitting in the Miami Airport after a long day and night of delays and canceled flights, trying to get to Santo Domingo for a meeting. So I am not sure I am in the right frame of mind to write about mercy and forgiveness but here it goes.

If you are a baseball fan you are aware of what happened Wed. evening when the Detroit Tigers played the Cleveland Indians. Armando Galarraga had 2 outs in the bottom of the ninth inning and 1 to go to not only complete the no hitter but 1 out to complete a perfect game. That means no batters reached base at all. No hits, errors or walks. To put that in perspective, there have only been 22 of those in the history of the game. To put that in perspective 30 teams play 162 games a year and they have been playing for about 100 years and there have only been 22. A rare feat indeed.

Jim Joyce, an umpire with 20+ years of experience, was at first base. A sharply hit ball went toward first base. Galarraga covered for a close play at the bag. The umpire called the runner safe but after replay it was discovered that the runner was out. The 23rd perfect game should have been recorded but instead this historical event went away on a blown call.

There is a lot to learn from the story. But, the most important thing is how Armando Galarraga responded to the call. He could have blown up, thrown a fit on the field, called for the umpire to resign or be fired, asked for an inquiry or much more. All of which by the way Detroit Tigers leadership, fans and TV and radio talking heads did. Instead Galarraga displayed his character by showing Joyce, who admitted that he blew the call and cost Armando the game, mercy, forgiveness and grace.

We as Christians can learn a lot from Armando. The gospel message is a message of mercy, forgiveness and grace. It is the message that Armando drew for us in his response to Joyce. May we seize the opportunity to reflect that same attitude and character as we respond to this world. I don't know if Galarraga is a Christ Follower but he sure looked like one on Wed. night. I hope we look like one too.

Now off to smile at the AA employee as I try to get on stand by. Mercy! Grace! Forgiveness!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

24 Hour Trip

I am heading out this afternoon to the Dominican Republic. Many of you know that BridgePoint established a relationship with Project Child and their orphanage, Casa de Luz, in 2008. Last year we took a team down to do construction, outreaches in to the Hatian batay's and more. Since our trip we have continued to support Casa de Luz and are currently in a campaign to raise $25,000 to put a roof on the second floor of the facility. (learn how you can get involved here)

In recent months with the economy and a lot of money being diverted to Haiti earthquake relief, the available moneys to continue to operate the orphanage have decreased by 50%. As a result there is a substantial amount of unrest in the Dominican employees and a movement to bring the DR government in with the thought that they could help sustain the work there. If that were to happen it would have the opposite effect. You see, many of the children were quite frankly, rescued from government facilities in the first place. The care would be sub par and many of the ministry opportunities would cease to exist.

Frank Valaderes and I are flying out this afternoon in an emergency effort to squelch this movement and to access the needs. We will be meeting with officials, Casa de Luz employees as well as potential ministry partners on the ground in the DR. It will be a quick trip, less that 24 hours. I am asking all of you to pray for positive results, healing for the relationships with the DR employees, meetings with potential partners and most of all for the children of Casa de Luz and their continued care.

I would also ask you to consider making a donation to Casa de Luz. You can do so by sending a check to us at BridgePoint Church and indicating it is for Casa de Luz. To make it easy you can go to our web site and make a donation online. 100% of those donations will go to meet immediate needs at Casa de Luz. If we can increase the available funds many of the fears that are prompting the unrest and government intervention will go away.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and for your help. Pray for Frank & I as we go. We will return on Friday afternoon and I will post an update then.

Whatever It Takes!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Celebrating the Difference

When I was younger I remember asking my mom to define worship for me. We talked from a number of directions and as the conversation was winding down she turned from the kitchen sink and said, "Tim, worship is simple. It's celebrating the difference. When we recognize who God is and then recognize who we are we realize there is a difference and can't help but celebrate. Worship is simply celebrating that difference."

I have always remembered that definition and in fact talked about that at a recent BridgePoint worship experience. You can watch here.

I hope you have discovered who God really is. How big, mighty and awesome He is and out of that discovery, celebrated! Jesus said in John 4:23 that "a time is coming and has now come when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks." Go out and celebrate the difference today!